Next Generation Wireless & Network Security.

 Simplified. Re-imagined.

Helping Educators Make the Grade

Deploying the ultimate industry BYOD onbording with SecureW2

When it comes to network and wireless access, students will always take the path of least resistance. Universities already deploy some of the largest and most complex BYOD environments, and the glut of devices can often overwhelm IT resources. While it’s easy to blame the mobile revolution, the whole point of wireless has been to get connections in more places as easily as possible. SecureW2 is dedicated to making the easy options the best options, making networks more secure and users happier.


Onboarding devices for secure network access couldn’t be simpler. Automate the process and give users and your IT staff a better experience.


Software that enhances Wi-Fi and network security but users perceive as non-intrusive. Quality engineering that respects user privacy from the best minds in the business.


Working alongside MDM, not against, to create simple network connectivity. Our emphasis is not on controlling devices, but enabling them for secure network services.


Technology is made for people, not the other way around. We offer network security that your users will actually adopt. Gone is the notion that security and user experience have to be mutually exclusive.


Our products have been independently tested and certified to meet the strictest standards established by RSA, Microsoft, and others. Our solutions are trusted across the industry, from schools and universities to Fortune 15 companies.


Extend the power and features of your existing network hardware investment. No forklift upgrades needed; just drop in our lightweight software. With connections into wide array of networking vendors across the industry, we can make your job easier.

Join Now Suite

Automate the onboarding process. Save time and reduce risk. Our flagship product has won accolades across industries for streamlining the process of getting users onto 802.1X networks. No SecureW2 BYOD network is complete without it.

BYOD Enablement

Self-Service Software for Wi-Fi and SSL inspection
Powerful Role-Based Policies to Limit the Number and Type of Devices With Network Access.
Support Every Major BYOD (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome, Kindle, Linux)
SecureW2 provides end-users an easy way to connect any device to a secure WPA2-Enterprise network. We also give the ability for admins to limit the number and type of devices allowed on the network, enforce SSL inspection and tie users to their traffic. Everything a school would need to implement a secure BYOD network..

Enforce SSL Inspection


Enforce SSL Inspection

Generate SSL Inspection certificates with our Cloud PKI, allow users to easily self-install certificates in any device/browser, and deploy certificates based off user groups with SecureW2.

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